The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

955 casualties on the Syrian territory -about half of them are civilians- in March 2019

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented the death of 955 people in January 2019, and they were distributed as follows:

Civilian casualties: 451 people including 193 children under the age of eighteen, and 106 women over the age of eighteen, and they were killed as follows:

38 citizens including 11 children and 3 women were killed in bombardment by russian warplanes.

9 citizens including 3 children and 4 women were killed in bombardment by regime’s warplanes.

37 citizens including 11 children and 7 women were killed in shelling by the regime forces.

10 citizens were killed underr torture in the detentions of the regime forces.

3 citizens were killed by the factions and SDF.

172 including 50 children and 67 citizen women were killed in airstrikes by the International Coalition.

74 citizens including 10 children and 25 women were killed in unknown circumstances.

108 children died due to bad health condition, the lack of necessary treatment, and other living conditions.

Syrian fighters of Islamic and repel factions and the SDF and other movements and organizations: 182

The regime forces: 47

Members of the Popular Committees, and the National Defense Forces, and militiamen loyal to the regime forces of Syrian nationalities: 54

Fighters of militiamen loyal to the regime of non-Syrian nationalities mostly of Shiite people: 14

Unidentified people: 9

Turkish Forces: 2

Fighters of Islamic and repel factions and ISIS and Nusra Front (Qaeda organization of the Levant), and Mujahedeen and al-Ansar Army and Islamic Turkestan Party of non-Syrian nationalities: 196

And the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented 9 massacres during March 2019, which left 244 civilian casualties including 68 children and 99 citizen women over the age of eighteen, where the warplanes of the regime committed 2 massacres which claimed the lives of 28 citizens including 11 children under the age of eighteen and 3 women over the age of eighteen, and the International Coalition warplanes carried out 2 massacre which killed 172 citizens including 50 children 67 women, and 5 massacres took place and claimed the lives of 44 citizens including 7 children and 29 women in the explosion of mines planted by the “Islamic State” Organization earlier.

This death toll of February 2019 is the least to be documented by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in terms of civilian’s death toll since the start of the Syrian revolution in March 2011, it is also the least in terms of total number of casualties in 94 months i.e. since May 2011, back them the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented the death of 507 people including 446 civilians, and despite the conferences calling for dialogue and solution, and the UNSC resolution and the unreal truces, the bloodshed continues on the Syrian territory and the killing and fighting continues without peace, and the cease-fire truces are only breaks between the conflicting parties in Syrian, where some parties were winners and others lost influence and control, so, we in the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reiterates our calls for the international parties to do their utmost efforts to stop the bloodshed of the Syrian people, who faced tyranny and injustice to reach a state of justice, democracy, freedom and equality, and we the Syrian Observatory pledge to continue to monitor and document the massacres, violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against the Syrian people, in addition to the publication  of statistics about them in order to stop the perpetration of these crimes, violations and atrocities against the Syrian people, and to refer the perpetrators of these violations to the concerned courts of the state, so as not to escape their punishment for the crimes they committed against the people who was and still dream of having a state of democracy, freedom, justice and equality for all components of the Syrian people.