The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Continuous air raids target the “Islamic State” organization’s controlled areas south of the capital in conjunction with continuous attacks by the regime forces and their allies in the area

Damascus Province, the Syrian Observatory for human Rights: rocket shells fell after midnight of yesterday on places in Bostan al-Dor area and the outskirts of Tariq al-Matar in the capital, Damascus, but no information about casualties, while warplanes continued their bombardment this morning on places in al-Hajar al-Aswad and the outskirts of al-Tadamon and Yarmouk Camp in the southern section of the capital Damascus, coincided with continuous clashes in the contact lines in the area, between the “Islamic State” organization against the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them of Syrian and non-Syrian nationalities, the Syrian Observatory published yesterday night that the regime forces are opening new fronts and expanding the clash areas to confuse and scatter the organization and push it to retreat and confine it in narrower scope, in order to take the control of more areas and force the organization to accept the previous agreement, that was reached between representatives of the regime and the organization, where the regime forces managed to advance in more points and positions in the southern part of the capital, and information about more human losses in the ranks of the both parties in addition to more destruction as a result of the shelling on the organization’s controlled areas.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored the fall of more human losses, where it has increased to 112 at least, the number of members of the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them of Syrian and non-Syrian nationalities, who were killed since Thursday the 19th of April 2018, including 15 officers and 6 of them were executed, while it has increased to 91, the number of members of the organization who were killed in the shelling, clashes and targeting that left tens of wounded in the ranks of the both parties, and the death toll is expected to rise because of the continued combat operations and the presence of injured cases in critical situation, and the SOHR also published in the past few days that it received details regarding the meeting that took place between representatives of the factions positioned on the contact line between the towns of Yalda, Bebbila and Beit Saham south of Rif Dimashq and the “Islamic State” organization’s controlled areas control south of Damascus, where intersected sources confirmed to the Syrian Observatory that officers of the Republican Guards and NDF Forces; asked representatives of south Rif Dimashq and south of the capital for Jaysh al-Ababil to hand over its position points on the fronts of the “Islamic State” organization at the outskirts of al-Tadamon, in order for the regime forces to face the organization and advance at its expense, where this request came after the regime forces failed to advancement at the expense of the factions in this area, which was rejected by the other party, and they confirmed to regime’s officers that Jaysh al-Ababil would not shoot on the regime during its attack on the organization and fighting it, then the officers threatened to shell Jaysh al-Ababil if their points are not delivered within 2 hours of the 25th of April 2018, they have also accused the representatives of the south of Rif Dimashq of seeking to build an agreement between the opposition and Russia, while representatives of south of Rif Dimashq complained to the Russian General in charge of the area –who attended the meeting on the same day–, and the general said that requests of the regime forces’ officers are unacceptable and he will carry out a meeting with the regime’s Minister of Defense and the General Ali Mamlouk, and even if it was necessary; he will meet Bashar Alassad personally, and the only solution in which the regime receives these fronts, is when the regime accepts the factions’ leave from the south of Rif Dimashq, and the General promised at the meeting on 25th of April to take the wounded of Jaysh al-Islam to receive treatment in the Syrian north, and opening the crossings towards the south of Rif Dimashq, he also confirmed in a response to one of regime’s officials, about Hezbollah’s heading to Quneitra and Daraa to fight Israel by saying that the Russian vision is based on Hezbollah heading to Deir Ezzor and Al-Mayadin.