Despite “settling their situation”, regime’s security authorities continue to arrest residents of Daraa Province who underwent previous “reconciliations”
Daraa province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored regime’s intelligence services arresting two young men from one family from al-Hara town in the northern countryside of Daraa, where they were arrested on their way to Homs Province, although they had “settlement” cards, and they were taken to an unknown destination, and no information about the reasons for arresting them until now, while the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published on the 17th of December 2018 that regime’s security branches and intelligence services continue their arbitrary operations in most of the Syrian areas, of raids and arrests at their checkpoints, and the arrests mostly affect people who chose to “settle their situation” after they refused to be displaced and remained in their areas with false Russian guarantees. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored regime’s intelligence arresting a citizen of Daraa Province, who carried out a “reconciliation and settlement” and has a “settlement card”, where he was arrested by one of the checkpoints in the capital Damascus, at the same time, the towns and cities of the Eastern Ghouta are witnessing raids and arrests in search of wanted for conscription and reserve service in regime’s army, in the framework of the continuous arbitrary operations since the regime forces restored their control by “reconciliations and settlements” or military operations in Daraa, Quneitra, al-Ghouta, Homs, Hama, and other Syrian areas, and the Syrian Observatory published on the 10th of December 2018 that the leadership of regime’s army is preparing to demobilize thousands of officers soldiers who have been in service for several years, and in the details that the Syrian Observatory monitored: leadership of regime’s army issued a circular to demobilize all those will complete 5 years on the 1st of January 2019; in the ranks of the regime forces, where this demobilization includes thousands of members of the batch 248, and those who will completed 5 years of the rest of the members, and this names will be removed from list of names of the people wanted for the reserve service, where the regime forces organized nominal lists of hundreds of thousands of young people and men who are being called for the reserve service in the ranks of the regime forces, and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published on the 21st of October 2018, that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights obtained information from several reliable sources, confirming that the military authorities of the Syrian regime are making preparations for the demobilization of 2 new batches in the ranks of its military forces along with other groups of the reserve forces, and in the details obtained by the Syrian Observatory: preparations are underway by leadership of the regime forces for the demobilization of the 103rd and 104th sessions and the reserve cycle, who joined the conscription service and were kept, despite the end of their conscripting service because of the fight in the Syrian territory, and the sources confirmed that preparations are underway to reach a final decision for the demobilization, amid cautious anticipation in the ranks of members of the regime forces and their relatives, where the process of demobilization will include thousands of recruits in the ranks of the regime forces and thousands who have joined the reserve service.
And The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published on the 7th of December 2018 that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights learned that regime’s authorities are still issuing lists of names of people wanted to service in the ranks of regime’s reserve, where reliable sources confirmed to the Syrian Observatory that a list arrived in Harasta area at the Eastern Ghouta with the names of about 700 men and youths wanted for the reserve service, which led to discontent and resentment of the liar pardon issued by the regime and his presidency, about removing lists of names of people wanted for the reserve service, and pardoning those who did not serve this service during the past years, where the Eastern Ghouta is witnessed every now and then the arrival of such lists in addition to lists for the conscription service.
And the Syrian Observatory published yesterday that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights learned that new lists have reached Daraa Province, which include names of new batches of people wanted to regime’s “reserve” service, where the lists arrived during the past 24 hours to the Yarmouk Basin area in the western countryside of Daraa, where the people are upset by regime’s attempts to keep no young man in Daraa province without being forced to join regime’s army; either as a mandatory service or reserve service, and in the same context the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored regime’s intelligence arresting a man in Da’el town in mid-countryside of Daraa, where he was taken to an unknown destination and no information about the reasons of the arrest until the moment. This comes within a series of arbitrary arrests by regime’s branches and security in Daraa Province, while the Syrian Observatory published on the 3rd of December 2018 that the Syrian regime continues to impose its security grip over Daraa Province, through the continuous arbitrary arrests in the Daraa Province through checkpoints of the regime forces and intelligence or through raids, and methods of arresting has not been limited to this extent, where the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights was informed by reliable sources that regime’s security branches arrested 2 former fighters of the factions, who chose to carry out “reconciliations and settlements”, they were arrested within the Personal Status Service in Daraa city, while they were there for their personal papers, and not far from the Personal Status Service in the immigration and passports building in Daraa, the Syrian regime’s intelligence arrested a man there and took him to an unknown destination, while the military security checkpoint at the entrance of Daraa city arrested a citizen for reasons remain unknown, while the regime’s checkpoints in various areas in Daraa and its countryside continue carrying out arrests searching for wanted people for compulsory or reserve service in regime’s army, which is pushing most of the youths and men to avoid going out and fear the arbitrary arrests there, and the Syrian Observatory monitored many arbitrary arrests in this regard since the alleged “pardon”, where the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published on the 22nd of November 2018 that lists with names of people wanted to the reserve service in Yarmouk Basin at the western countryside of Daraa have arrived, and the regime forces began calling the wanted and arresting those who reject it. Reliable sources told the Syrian Observatory that the people wanted for to serve the compulsory and reserve service in Daraa Province fear of the enrolment, against the backdrop of their detention by the Syrian regime’s security branches and torturing them with severe beatings and various methods of torture before sending them to service in regime’s army.