The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

After Ankara-loyal factions’ withdrawal to a distance 2 km away of Ayn Issa, Turkish drones target the camp and villages on the outskirts of the town

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored targeting by the Turkish drones for Ayn Issa Camp and other villages in the area north of al-Raqqah city Sunday morning, after the withdrawal of the Turkey-loyal factions during the past hours from all the sites to which they advanced to on the outskirts of Ayn Issa, where they withdrew from the camp, Sayda, Ma’alak  and other places in the area they controlled through their violent attack, which began on Saturday morning, which means that they withdrew 2 km away of Ayn Issa town north of al-Raqqah city, after intense targeting by the Syria Democratic Forces in addition to the success of negotiations between the Russians and Turks, where the Syrian Observatory published yesterday evening that sources informed SOHR that negotiations are underway between the Russians and the Turks to pull out the members of pro-Turkey factions “National Army”, to a distance of 2 km north of the villages of Sayda and Al-Ma’alak over which the factions imposed their control today morning.

It is noteworthy that the agreement whose details was published by SOHR on November 16, according to sources, stipulated the withdrawal of Turkey-loyal factions from some villages until the outskirts of Ras Al-Ayn, and the withdrawal from the International Highway M4, with the deployment of regime forces in these areas.