The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Under the pretext of protecting their property, the Turkish-backed “Soqur al-Kurd” Brigade imposes royalty on Kurdish families in Afrin

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the Turkish-backed factions imposed a royalty on the Kurdish citizens in Jandairis area under the pretext of protecting their property, where members of the “Hamzat Division” faction imposed of 4,500 Syrian pounds on each Kurdish family in Kafrdelyeh Foqani under the pretext of protecting the property of villagers.

Mukhtars of several villages were assigned in the task of collecting that royalty for the benefit of the “Soqur al-Kurd” Brigade of al-Hamza Division.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored on the 30th of March 2020 clashes with light weapons between members of “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” and herders in the village of Qasim in Raju district. The clashed erupted due to dues payments owed by factions’ members who refrained from paying.

On the other hand, “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” expelled a number of the village’s families and seized their herds of sheep.

Separately, members of “Al-Jabha Al-Shamiya” arrested a Kurdish civilian from his village of Mirkan in Ma’abatli district in northern rural Afrin. He was brutally beaten and tortured by the factions’ members, and then they tied him to a military vehicle dragging him in front of the residents inside the village, instilling fear and terror among people.

The faction’s gunmen claimed that the civilian had been previously working for the “Self-Administration” in Afrin, which his neighbors and villagers categorically denied.