The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

The lowest monthly civilian death toll ever | 68 civilians killed in May 2020

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented the death of 316 people in June 2020. The fatalities were distributed as follows:


Civilian death toll: 68 persons, including 12 children under the age of 18, and four women over the age of 18, and they are as follows:


  • One woman among two civilians were killed by Russian jets.

  • Seven civilians died under torture in the Syrian regime’s prisons.

  • Four civilians were killed by regime forces

  • One woman among three civilians were killed as a result of opposition factions’ shelling.

  • Child was killed by SDF.

  • Two civilians were executed by HTS.

  • Two civilians were killed in unknown circumstances.

  • One civilian was killed by the International Coalition.

  • 24 civilians, including nine children and one woman, were killed in IED and landmine explosions.

  • A child among five civilians were killed in booby-trapped vehicles’ explosions.

  • 17 civilians, including a female and a child, were killed in separate assassinations across Syria.

Syrian fighters of Islamic factions, opposition factions and other movements and organizations: 37

Syria Democratic Forces: 13

Regime forces: 69

Members of the Popular Committees, and the National Defense Forces, and loyalists to regime forces of Syrian citizens: 22

Loyalists to the regime forces of non-Syrian citizens mostly of the Shiite sect: 10

Fighters of Islamic factions, ISIS, Al-Nusra Front (Qaeda organization of the Levant), and Muhjereen and al-Ansar Army and Islamic Turkestan Party of non-Syrian citizens: 95

Turkish soldiers: 2

We, at the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights,  call on the international community once again to work hard  to stop the bloodshed in Syria. The people of Syria have been facing tyranny and oppression in their noble endeavour and cause to obtain  justice, democracy, freedom and equality.

The Syrian Observatory renew its commitment to continue monitoring and documenting all the developments on the ground in Syria including, the massacres, violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against the Syrian people, as well as publishing all relevant statistics and causalities of such heinous acts, and hope to help all the ongoing efforts of bringing the perpetrators to special international courts, so that they do not escape justice for the crimes they committed against the people of Syria.

HD Infographic: civilian fatalities in June 2020