The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

SOHR: Turkey continues to stall the process of deporting Syrian mercenaries from Libya

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights continues to reiterate that Turkey has no intentions of removing mercenaries loyal to Ankara from Libya

A number of the mercenaries still deployed in Libya are irate with their uncertain situation as their salaries continue to not be paid and their return to the homeland remains unsure. [Photo: Internet]

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR ) stated that the process of removing Syrian mercineries loyal to Turkey from Libya continues to stall as the group of troops that left the north african nation in march has yet to arrive in Syria and continues to reside in Turkey.In a statement, the organization noted that the republic of turkey continues to manoeuvre around removing fighters loyal to it from Libya while the fighters themselves are discontent with the having been left there due to not receiving their salaries and their strong desire to return home.

The SOHR added that a group of 380 fighters from Syria who arrived in Turkey during the last few days but that they did not have any confirmation as to whether they will be returning to Syria or brought to Libya to further obstruct the Libyan peace process.

The United Nations recently estimated that over 20,000 foreign troops remain in Libya distributed over 10 military bases and emphasised the danger of their continued presence that violates a vital provision of the ceasefire agreement signed in October of last year.

The departure of mercenary forces from Libya has been a matter that many international governments and human rights bodies weighed on, with an overwhelming majority calling for the immediate departure of these forces to grant the Libyan people back sovereignty over their country.

The deadline for the departure of foreign forces has come and gone and no moves have been observed on the ground by the troops to depart the North African nation.

Source: SOHR: Turkey continues to stall the process of deporting Syrian mercenaries from Libya