The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Looming humanitarian disaster | Destroying infrastructure by Turkish forces deepens the sufferings of residents in NE Syria

Airstrikes by Turkish drones and fighter jets in the past few hours resulted in considerable distraction and damage to infrastructure in areas controlled by the Autonomous Administration; this, in turn, has deprived residents in north-east Syria from water, electricity, household gas, fuels and essentials; let alone the direct attacks on civilian houses.


Ironically, neither the International Coalition, Russian nor the Syrian regime have condemned the absurd attacks by Turkish aircraft so far.


In this context, a Kurdish activist known by his initials as S. Q. told SOHR that Turkish aircraft attacked Syrian oil centres, at a time when the region is suffering from acute shortage of fuels. The man added “those attacks have exacerbated the already deteriorated situation, where residents in the region have been struggling with dreadful living conditions, lack of diesel and stifling rationing of electricity, which was available for only a few hours a day before it was interrupted completely due to the attacks.”


Speaking to SOHR, another activist known as J. H. said “Turkey continues its attacks, in consensus with Iran, Russia and the Syrian regime, with the aim of destroying infrastructure which have been away from destruction since the beginning of the war. The targets of Turkish airstrikes are oil and economic institutions in order to force residents to displace and change the demography of the region. This coincides with inaction by the international community and the Syrian regime, the “symbolic” holder of power in Syria.”


A human rights activist known as A. A. sees that Turkey’s major objective is to deplete the financial resources of the Autonomous Administration, which was formed during the war to administrate the region with the efforts of its people. The man says “we see that Turkey serves the agendas of regime and Russia with the aim of forcing the Autonomous Administration to bow to Damascus and allow the Syrian regime to regain the control of areas which are now held by the Autonomous Administration. On the other hand, Turkey seeks, through those attacks which are blatant violations to human rights and amount to war crimes, to leave the region devastated to force the residents to displace and deprive them from all basics of livelihood.”


Another human rights activist known as A. A. has confirmed that activists have monitored escalating immigration following the Turkish airstrikes. The man says “after every round of attacks, the immigration of young people and families towards Europe increases, seeking a safe having and better future. This will lead to evacuating the region from indigenous inhabitants. These airstrikes are executed in full view of all powers around the world. We appeal, through SOHR, to the international community and US and Russian forces, the guarantors of the ceasefire agreement, to interfere and put an end to the recurrent and unjustified Turkish attacks and protect the regions residents. Attacking service and industrial institution is considered as a revenge by Turkey and the Syrian regime against the region’s people who have kept the this region safe and away from conflicts, at a time when other zones of influence, such as areas held by factions and areas which had been controlled by ISIS, have experienced security chaos and conflicts.


Speaking to SOHR, an activist known as J. K. said “since the beginning of the revolution in areas held by the Autonomous Administration, Turkish attacks are carried out on north-east Syria from time to another. In the beginning, the attacks came as a support to jihadist, Salafi and rebel factions. Since then, the Turkish attacks on the region have been suspended, where Afrin, Ras Al-Ain, Jarabulus and Al-Bab cities have been occupied, before the escalation evolved to support ISIS. Today, we can say that five years have passed since the suspension of Turkish ground invasion in north and east Syria, where Turkish attacks have been confined to assassinations by drones that targeted figures and officials belonging to the Autonomous Administration until 2023. Since early 2023, Turkish forces started to directly attack infrastructure in north-east Syria, mainly energy and power resources with the aim of depleting the financial resources of the Autonomous Administration and forcing inhabitants to immigrate and displace.”


“The foreign powers stationed in north-east Syria, mainly the US-led International Coalition and Russian forces, care only about their political interests, while Turkey takes the advantage that major powers, especially the USA, are preoccupied with the developments in the Gaza Strip, and it focus on hindering efforts by Iran and China to interfere in the war in Gaza against the USA. Accordingly, the USA is not ready to militarily confront Turkey in Syria, especially since the two powers are members of the NATO. On the other hand, Russia’s stance completely contravenes the American one, where Russia supports Turkish attacks in Syria. I do not exclude the fact that Russia may have abetted Turkey to carry out airstrikes and attacks in north-east Syria.”