The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

For “protesting against Al-Golany” | General Security Service arbitrarily arrests two activists in Idlib

Idlib province: The General Security Service of HTS arrested an activist in Idlib City, while members also arrested an activist and an artist in the city for “participating in public protests against Al-Golany”, where the number of people arrested in Idlib and its countryside today has risen to four.

Earlier today, members of the General Security Service of HTS arrested a civilian for “inciting protests demanding the toppling of Al-Julani” the commander of HTS in Al-Fu’ah town in Idlib countryside.
Meanwhile, members of the General Security Service of HTS arrested another civilian accused of “being one of the organaser of the protests in Bansh town in northern Idlib countryside.

The arrested civilians were taken to an unknown destination and their fate remains unknown.
SOHR sources reported that dozens of people from several cities and towns within HTS-held area went out in protests demanding the overthrow of “Al-Julani” and condemning the practices of HTS and its security services, despite the strict security grip and the deployment of many military checkpoints since the early hours of the morning to prevent the protests.