The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Exchanged kid*nap operations | Innocent people forcibly disappeared in attempts to obtain ransoms at borders between Syria and Lebanon

A group of Turkey Al-Ebaid Family in Wady Khalid area on borders between Syria and Lebanon detained 12 people from villages and towns of northern Homs countryside, after a young man was arrested in Homs a few days ago.

SOHR activists confirmed that contact was lost with a group of residents of northern Homs countryside, while trying to reach Lebanese territory before it was revealed that they were detained by members of the family of the young man “Osama”, who were asked to pay a ransom of 400,000 USDs.

The family of the young man accused one of the gangs of Talbiseh City of “kidnapping the young man”, before issuing a statement demanding people of Wady Khalid to not go to Syrian territory to avoid any response by residents of the young people who were detained in Wady Khalid until the young man is released.

SOHR activists obtained a voice record of a leader of the gangs called “Madin Al-Burjos”, who announced that he didn’t participate in the kidnapping operation and that he is ready to be held accountable if there was evidence proving that he was involved in kidnapping “Osama.”

On the same context, a gang detained three young men from Al-Ruston City northern of Homs of Al-Khatib Family while heading to Lebanon via the crossing of Al-Qaseer City, before contact was lost with them near Haweik Town on borders with Lebanon.