The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

In Derbassiyeh the Turkish border guards kill 3 young men and the fate of about 15 arrested others is unknown

Al-Hasaka Province, The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights:
The activists of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights were informed that this morning the bodies of three young men were found, they are from Derbassiyeh the border town with Turkey, local sources said to the activists of the Syrian Observatory that forces of the Turkish border guards dropped their bodies on the Syrian side of the border near Media Lounge area on the road connecting between Derbassiyeh and Amuda, while the fate of some 15 other young men who were the three killed young men by the Turkish border guards is still unknown, medical sources confirmed to the activists of the Observatory that the three corpses have signs of torture and maltreatment with sharp objects, amid fears of arresting or killing the other young men, after being surrounded by the Turkish border guards at the Turkish part, local sources said that several young people are working in smuggling to and from Turkey, it is worth mentioning that the border between Turkey and Syria is witnessing an escalation of torture and killing operations in recent months for anyone trying to cross the border to and from the Turkish territory, where tens of people were killed, tortured and injured.