The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

The Observatory continues to uncover ISIS members among the Turkey-loyal factions: 3 brothers in “Ahrar al-Sharqiyyah” worked for years in the Organization’s ranks

As part of the continued disclosure of the former members of the “Islamic State” Organization who joined the ranks of the Turkey-loyal factions within the so-called “Syrian National Army,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights obtained new information about 3 brothers who were former members of the “Islamic State” organization, and they are now members of the “Ahrar al-Sharqiyyah” faction of the Turkey-loyal “National Army,” and according to information obtained by the Syrian Observatory, before the “Islamic State” Organization took control of Deir Ezzor province, the 3 brothers were members in the ranks of the Battalion of “H. S.”, who is the Emir of the Justice Diwan of the Organization, where he founded it as one of the battalions of the “Free Army”, however, members of the Battalion were working as sleeper cells for the “Islamic State” Organization.

Reliable sources told the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights that “After the withdrawal of Jabhat al-Nusra and the factions from the area, members of that battalion -including the 3 brothers- raised the Organization’s flag, and set up checkpoints in the name of the Organization one day before its members entered al-Mayadin city, and at the beginning of 2017, the 3 brothers fled the Organization’s controlled areas and joined “Ahrar al-Sharqiyyah” faction, and they participated in the battles of “Olive Branch” Operation and stayed in Jandairis area of Afrin.”