The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

97th Turkish drone attack in 2022 | People injured in attack on farm in Al-Qamishli countryside

Al-Hasakah province: This afternoon, a Turkish drone hit a farm near Khuzimok village, north-east of Al-Qahtaniyah, in Al-Qamishli countryside, north of Al-Hasakah, leaving a number of people injured and causing material damage.

Accordingly, the number of attacks carried out by Turkish drones on areas controlled by the “Autonomous Administration in northern and north-eastern Syria, AANES” since early 2022 has reached 97. These attacks left 15 civilians, including a leader in the Autonomous Administration and eight children, and 83 combatants, including two children and 13 females, dead, while over 125 others sustained various injuries. Here is a monthly distribution of attacks by Turkish drones in 2022:

• January: Three attacks left three people dead and 13 others injured.

• February: Ten attacks killed eight people, including two children and a young female fighter, and injured 21 others.

• March: Two attacks injured two people.

• April: 11 attacks left six people dead, including three women, and 19 others injured.

• May: Four attacks left three people dead, including a woman, and seven others injured.

• June: Three attacks left a combatant dead and five others injured.

• July: Nine attacks left a civilian and 13 combatants, including seven women, dead and ten others injured.

• August: 13 attacks left eight civilians, including six children, and 14 combatants, including a prominent commander, dead. In addition, 13 others were injured.

• September: Four attacks left a leader in the Autonomous Administration and nine combatants dead and seven others injured. Also, a child died of the wounds she sustained in earlier attack on August 18.

• October: Three attacks left three combatants dead and five injured. Also, a commander of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) died of the wounds she sustained in earlier attack on September 26.

• November: 30 attacks left a civilian and 20 combatants dead and 21 others injured.

• December: Five attacks left an SDF commander and his driver, three civilians, including a child, dead and two fighters injured.