The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Escalating security chaos in Daraa | Young man shot dead by unidentified gunmen and IED explodes in regime military vehicle injuring soldiers

Daraa province: A young man was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in the southern neighbourhood in Tafas city in western Daraa countryside.


It is worth noting that the victim did not belong to any military parties.


Meanwhile, an IED, planted earlier by unknown people in a military vehicle carrying regime soldiers, exploded near Al-Rahbah checkpoint in Jabab town in northern Daraa countryside, leaving several members injured, amid a state of high alert among regime forces in the region.


Since early 2023, SOHR activists have documented 419 incidents of security disorder in Daraa province, which left 338 people dead; and they are as follows:


  • 119 civilians, including six children and six women.


  • 25 men accused of “involving in drug business.”


  • 144 regime soldiers, members and collaborators with regime security services, including a woman.


  • 24 former fighters who did not join any military formation, after striking reconciliation deals with the Syrian regime.


  • Ten ISIS members.


  • 12 ex-fighters with settled-status working for regime services and backed militias.


  • Two people working for the Lebanese Hezbollah, including a commander.


  • One “collaborator” with Iranian-backed militias.


  • An ex-fighter in the former “Jabhat Al-Nusra.”