The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Ongoing escalation | Iranian-backed groups attack US bases in Syria on 80 occasions since the beginning of Israeli offensive on Gaza

Military escalation continues between Iranian-backed groups and US forces in Syria, where this attacks and skirmishes between the two sides escalated noticeably since the beginning of the brutal offensive by Israel on Gaza in October 2023.


In this context, Iranian-backed groups have continued their rocket and drone attacks on bases in north and east Syria, inflicting material and human losses on US forces, where those attacks comes as a part of a series of retaliatory measures against the US forces amid the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip.


Since October 19, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) documented 80 attacks carried out by Iranian-backed militias on Coalition bases in different areas across Syria.


Here is a breakdown of those attacks:


  • 20 attacks on Al-Omar oil field base.


  • 14 attack on Al-Shaddadi base in Al-Hasakah countryside.


  • 16 attacks on Koniko gas field base.


  • 13 attacks on the Kharab Al-Jair base in Al-Rumailan.


  • 11 attacks on Al-Tanf garrison.


  • Two attacks on Tel Baydar base in Al-Hasakah countryside.


  • Two attacks on the American base in Rubarya in Al-Malikiyah countryside.


  • One attack on Qasrak base in Al-Hasakah countryside.


  • One attack on Istrahat Wazir base in Al-Hasakah countryside.


On the other hand, US fighter jets carried out 11 attacks on positions and vehicles of Iranian-backed militias in Deir Ezzor, since the beginning of the series of retaliatory measures by Iranian-backed groups against the US forces amid the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip.


Those attacks left 17 combatants dead and at least 12 others injured, as well as destroying weapons, ammunitions and vehicles.