The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Bringing the number of fatalities to three | Child dies of wounds sustained yesterday in heavy gunfire by SDF in rural Deir Ezzor

Deir Ezzor province: A child died of wounds he sustained yesterday in the heavy gunfire by SDF members near Euphrates river in Deir Ezzor countryside.


Accordingly, the number of fatalities in this gunfire has increased to three children, while four other persons were injured.


This coincides with the escalating security chaos in SDF-controlled areas.


Yesterday, SOHR sources reported that a fight took place between a civilian and a member of “SDF” near Euphrates River due to disputes between them, where the member was stabbed several times with a white weapon.


On the same context, SDF brought reinforcements and members opened fire killing two 14 year-old children and injuring five civilians, amid tension and clashes between the residents and members of “SDF” in Darnaj Town after the death of the children, while residents set fire to a vehicle of “SDF” in the town.