The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Idlib | HTS send in military reinforcement to Ariha, and assassination attempt on civilian north of Salqin

Idlib Province – Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: 

SOHR sources have reported today that columns of Hayaat Tahrir Al-Sham headed to the city of Ariha, following clashes with machine guns and bombs between the executive force of HTS and a family from the city. Two people were killed and others injured as a result of those clashes that lasted until this evening.

Meanwhile, a young man was shot by unidentified gunmen in a car in the area of Isqat, north of Salqin city. No casualties have been reported.

On Thursday, SOHR sources reported that Idlib city and all areas under the control of Hayaat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) were witnessing security chaos of kidnappings, thefts and armed robberies. In this context, an armed group looted shops in Atma camp area, north of Idlib.

SOHR activists also documented four other thefts of cars, houses and motorcycles in different areas during that day.

On the other hand, locals complained that the Islamic police of the “Salvation Government” has mismanaged the security situation in areas under their control.

According to Observatory sources, police in Harem city and countryside imposed a sum of 3,000 Syrian pounds on each shop and house in return for protection and security.