The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

After criticizing ISIS | Unknown gunmen assassinate “Imam” in Deir Ezzor countryside

Deir Ezzor province: SOHR activists have documented the death of the “Imam” (preacher) of the mosque of al-Zarr village in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, after being shot by unidentified gunmen, but believed to be ISIS members, in front of his house in the village.


According to SOHR sources the assassinated Imam had criticized ISIS in his latest sermon and described it as a “gang”. It is worth noting that the Imam was detained in regime’s prisons for over 12 years for “belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood”.


On October 26, SOHR activists reported that three unidentified gunmen have shot a civilian dead in front of his house in al-Zarr village in Deir Ezzor countryside.


It is worth noting that the victim’s brother was tortured to death by ISIS cells on July 5, in an abandoned house in al-Zarr village, after he was kidnapped with his father and brother three days earlier.


At that time, sources reported that the three men were arrested to be investigated regarding stealing gold and money from a family in the village, while other sources accused the young man of “cooperating with intelligence services of SDF”.


As more fatalities are recorded and updated regularly, the number of people who were killed in areas within the four provinces of Aleppo, Deir Ezzor, Al-Raqqah and Al-Hasakah, in addition to the SDF-held area of Manbij in the north-east of Aleppo rose to 811 fighters, civilians, oil workers, and officials in service parties.


The Syrian Observatory documented the assassination of 296 civilians including 18 children and 15 women by armed cells in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, al-Hasakah countryside, al-Raqqah city and countryside, and Manbij area. In addition, 511 SDF fighters, including local leaders, were assassinated in the same areas.


Also, four members of International Coalition were killed. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Human also documented tens of injuries due to these assassinations.