The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

OPCW: 29% of Syria’s chemical weapons removed


A chemical weapons watchdog announced Friday that nearly 29% of Syria’s total chemical stockpile has been taken out of the country.

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons announced that its joint mission with the U.N. verified that another consignment of its deadliest (‘Priority 1’) chemicals had arrived in the Syrian port of Latakia and was removed aboard a cargo ship.

“The consignment brings to nearly 29% the amount of Syria’s chemical stockpile that has now been removed for destruction outside the country,” the watchdog said.

The statement added that the Joint Mission’s executive council had prepared a consensus report which “positively noted” the progress that has been made in eliminating the country’s chemical weapons.

The council report noted the “increasing pace” of removal of Syria’s chemical stockpile and requested the country continue ‘systematic, predictable and substantial movements”.

Syria is scheduled to destroy its entire chemical weapons program by 30 June.

The effort to destroy these weapons followed a chemical attack in the suburbs of the Syrian capital, Damascus on August 21 last year, which killed hundreds.

8 March 2014

Journal of Turkish Weekly