The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Last attempt for refuge | Forcibly displaced young man kil*led by Turkish Jandarma near borders with Turkey in Idlib

Idlib province: A young man from Ratian Town in northern Aleppo countryside was shot dead by the Turkish Jandarma while trying to cross into Turkey from the side of northern Idlib countryside seeking safe haven.

It is worth noting that the young man was forcibly displaced by Turkish authorities and tried to cross into Turkey several times, where he failed prior to his last attempt.

Accordingly, the number of civilians killed by Turkish border guards (Jandarma) since early 2023 in different areas near the Syria-Turkey border has increased to 25. In addition, 39 civilians, including a child and three women, were injured in gunfire by Turkish Jandarma in the same period. The fatalities are distributed regionally as follows:
• Areas controlled by “Peace Spring” operations room: 11 men in Al-Hasakah and a man in Al-Raqqah.
• Areas controlled by Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham and opposition factions in Idlib countryside: nine men.
• Areas controlled by “Euphrates Shield” operations room in north Aleppo countryside: Three men.
• SDF-controlled areas: A child in Al-Hasakah.